Experience inside chicago® and discover why it’s Chicago’s #1 source for motivational mail.™

Our incentive-based format captures the Chicago audience, elevating businesses to new levels of success.
inside chicago® is a cost-effective certificate booklet mailed six times a year to select consumers in prime area demographics. A proven responsive audience, these communities share some of the highest per capita incomes and a discernible standard of excellence and passion for living well.™
Our unique approach to motivational mail is designed to generate new customer traffic, increase revenues, and to promote general awareness. The convenient, easy-to-read booklet format and intriguing clientele help keep inside chicago® in-homes. With our 60-day delivery schedule, you’ll receive an extra boost of refreshed exposure every two months for only pennies per household.
inside chicago® features a distinct selection of advertisers, including fine dining and casual restaurants, entertainment, salons and spas, state-of-the-art fitness clubs, professional health care, retail shops, boutiques, and more! View our sample advertisements and testimonial pages for more information on some of our quality clientele.